Sunday, December 9, 2007

Everything changes and nothing does..


People say that the only thing that's constant is change. And while the skylines and the top-lines (ok, five months of intensive accounting, and whether I like it or not, my language is peppered with all that jazzzz.) change every year, the core values and the bottom-lines (there I go again!!) just don't change.

Yes, let's face it, its very difficult for the basics to change. You might get complicated in your expressions, and make life complicated for you and all around you, but the core basics, philosophies of life just don't change. Your garb of sophistication and self-righteousness melt away in times of crisis and you unleash your animal and guttural instincts of survival out into the world.

Don't believe me, well, look what happens around you in the world. When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, even the cops feared to enter certain districts..

The physical violence has transformed into the even bitter mental violence. Instead of the battle-ground, in lieu of our precious lives, we prefer to settle our differences in courts. The basics - human conflicts, differences - have not changed, our medium of resolution has.

Which one is worse? Mental or Physical, I'll leave that out to you. (One of the cool T-shirts that I had had this caption - Stop F**king me with your brains.)

Well, as the brook said, "For men may come and men may go, I go on forever."

1 comment:

ArSENik said...

And all this talk of change, or lack there of, is so minuscule and insignificant when measured against the scale of the universe, where mind you, there is change, but it is so gradual that it spans a few generations.