Thursday, May 24, 2007

Of Corporate shit, dirt and politics

Yes, business is not for the soft-hearted. Yes, business demands nerves of steel and resolve. Yes, business is not for the faint-hearted. But does business really require shit, dirt and politics?

I am going to IIM-A and the WIMWI seniors have already preached us the first lesson in moral science and ethics. Good, I say, or is it? Has the corporate world really given up on the corporate shit, dirt and politics? How will moral science and ethics teach me to deal with the corporate crooks and scoundrels.

According to Isaac Asimov, one of the smartest sci-fi authors of modern times, we are moving towards the knowledge and information age, where the human brain and spirit will be the greatest resource to create wealth. We no longer live in the religious age, military age or the economic age where religion, military and economic might dictate nation's destinies.

With the advent of the information age, new economy companies have to redefine their core philosophies around the people that work in them. Case in point, Google. It empowers its employees in numerous ways such that Google employees think they are working for themselves, not for an evil corporation. More and more companies are going the Google way.In fact, they better do if they are to retain their human resources. So, then where is the space for corporate shit, dirt and politics?

Well, the reality is that there is still a lot of room in today's corporate world for corporate shit, dirt and politics. The truth is that the corporate world is still not prepared for the new information age.


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